Sweet girl. Can you believe she's already here? Seems like yesterday mom and Dad told us mom was going to have a baby!!! I prayed for so long for a sister, and now she's here!!! She's the best sister I could ever ask for!!!
Joshua, isn't this great? She's home! What did you say? He's trying to tell me something...
Oh, I see! Thanks for telling me. Pizza!!! A good way to celebrate, no?
Beautiful flowers. Gran was so sweet to get these on her trip to the store!!!
Welcome home baby girl!!!
Thank you all for waiting so patiently for me to get pictures on here!!! I think it's the fastest I've ever gotten pictures on from an event!!! Well, bye for now. I assure you, there will be more pictures. A lot more.
Hi Alex! Thanks for the comment on my blog! Great pictures! See you next week!
p.s. sorry this is under my mom's name. :)