Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hello all!!! Well, yes, I am finally posting again! Sorry, we've been superbusy. That's a new word I made up. No not really it's just me being lazy not putting a space between the two words:) Well, here's a post on what is called playtime. They are from several different days of playing. Hope you enjoy!

Part of a photo shoot I did with Josh. I got a total of about five pictures:)LOL



Sweet brothers

Our "train". Yes, it resembles a train if you look at it in a certain way. Since we thought it looked like a train we piled in it and pretended to go to France, Antarctica, Jamaica and lots of other fun places. We accumulated stuffed animals as passengers along the way.

A view of the driver's area. We have really wild imaginations, my brothers and I. Note: Presley was not a part of this extremely childish game.

Okay, he's done playing.

Yes, Josh got tired of Noah stealing is toys and me saying "Say cheese!!!" every five seconds. Speaking of Joshua, I just got done kissing his boo-boo and now I need to change his diaper. Oh, the joys of being a big sister.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Okay y'all, I totally still have not downloaded the awesome pics from my new camera. I need to do it, I know. So, my childhood playmate and favorite older brother turned fifteen this week!!! I had to laugh as I typed the word childhood seeing as I am only thirteen! And, for those of you who don't know, he is my only older brother; I am not one to play favorites. But yes, playing make-believe and such is wearing off, or would be completely worn off if we didn't love Garrett (who is seven) so much as to play spies or whatever with him. That reminds me of Toy Story 3 where Andy, who is a college student, is talking about how brave his little toy was. It was by far the most realistic movie I've seen:)LOL
So do you like my new background and little extras that you can't read because part of it is cut off?:D I do!!! It's pretty if you just pretend it looks perfect and move on (sort of like my hair). Speaking of my hair, it needs to be cut. Reason #1: I get so hot when I'm outside. Reason #2: the ends are dead. Reason #3: it's hard to brush.
Anyway, we watched the movie Letters to God as a family a few nights ago and Mom and I cried half the movie. No, not just occasionally wiping tears, but like sobbing continuously for the last thirty minutes of the movie. But it's really good, really!
Well, must go, lots to do when you're a Princess like me:)
