Monday, December 27, 2010

White Christmas

Hello all you wonderful people!!! Christmas was wonderful here; I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family! We got a new table in our upstairs den that will fit all of us! Finally!!! We sold the furniture that was in there previously. Praise the Lord!!! I did lose my beloved laundry folding spot, but I LOVE the new table!!! Garrett had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to the change, as is normal for his age:) And...we got a white Christmas!!! I've had one in Colorado when we were vacationing out there, but never here in the South!!!

And now for your usual update on Miss Gabrielle...she is now rolling over!!! Yes, such a talented child:) Also, she loves to do raspberries. What a sweetheart!!! I myself believe she has said my name a number of times (calling for help):D Nevertheless, Daddy is trying very hard to get her to say "Dada" as her first word.

'Tis the time most people are making New Year's resolutions (including myself). Most people want to lose weight. That is not my actual goal, but it will occur as a result of my efforts. My resolution is to stop drinking coke-completely. Aaahhhhh!!!!!! Life without coke seems unbearable!JK:D So, hopefully I'll lose weight when I stop having those daily Route 44's:P Boy, do we love sonic:)

I hope all of you are doing wonderfully. Most of you probably enjoyed that wonderful white Christmas as we did. Our yard is like the only one played in so all the snow is practically gone. Yes, we got out there first thing (that is, when I finally got up at ten o' clock:) and played in the snow. Afterwards we came inside and had hot chocolate!!!

Garrett got a new wii game for Christmas that we are thoroughly enjoying!!! They just called me in there to try the "meter-o-love" and I was the second to the top which was wild. Kind of scary. Laid back Presley was just lovable. BTW, you hold the thing to your heart and it tells you this; I know, very accurate:D

We also got a very special gift for Christmas from our Grandad (mom's dad). He wrote a book about his life for us. I loved reading it and learning new stories!!! Thank you Grandad!!!

Hope all of you have a wonderful New Year!!! If I don't post before then:) Okay, I know; high hopes:D Farewell until next time!!!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My camera

So, my beloved camera has broken. Please pray the warranty is not up! That would ruin my day if the warranty was up. I'm very sad. That is the second camera to break in one year!!! That's bad, btw.

Well, Gabrielle continues to grow at a rapid rate. She is already in 6-9 months clothes and she is only 4 months old!!! We're beginning to see the unique personality God has given her. What a sweetie she is. She is very close to sitting up and even closer to rolling over!!! We think she's teething. Poor baby.

So, the other day I walked into the game room to see Noah and Presley playing. Noah comes up to me and asks, "Alex, where did Joshua went?". "Where did Joshua go?" Presley corrected. Then Noah replies matter-of-factly "I don't know!". He's such a sweetie! This morning I asked him if he would like to help me with the laundry by matching socks and he replied, "Of course I would love to do that!!!". I just love him!!!

We are busy preparing for Christmas. I have yet to do my Christmas shopping:) I love Christmas!!!

How about this weather? It's freezing!!!! Brrr.....:D But I love it. Getting bundled up is one of my favorite things to do:) Especially when you have cute jackets and shoes!!!

So I had a recital this week. Can you believe I actually sang? But it was fun seeing all my old classmates. And the food afterwards, delicious junk food!!!!! One of my favorite parts of the evening, though was going to Panera Bread!!! One of my favorite restaurants ever!!!


A fun tea outing

Hey y'all, these are pictures from...October. Yes, I know. Very disappointing. Oh well. My mom, Gabrielle, my grandmother and I went to a lovely tea hosted by my grandmother's sweet friends. It was such a darling little place complete with an antique shop! Jackpot!!! Hope you enjoy the pics.

Well, more to come dearies!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Rebelution

Hey y'all!!! Can you believe Gabrielle is already three months old!?!

Oh my gosh, I'm reading the best book ever (besides the Bible). It is called "Do Hard Things" by Alex and Brett Harris. You may have heard of it. It's a great book about teenagers standing up against the low expectations the world has of teenagers. It's so inspiring! Thanks so much to Carri and her family for giving us the book. It's life-changing! They even have a website where they had a modesty survey. It was so cool to see how many people supported being modest. And to see how many guys actually appreciate girls striving to be modest! Thanks so much Alex and Brett!!!! Oh, by the way, they call their idea of "rebelling" against low expectations the rebelution.

Sorry about the lack of pictures. I have yet to download them on the computer.

I can't believe Christmas is next month!!! Well, have a wonderful evening and a stupendous weekend!!!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bigtail the goldfish

Hello everyone!!! Isn't the weather gorgeous!!!! I love Fall!

So, about the title of the post, Bigtail is our beloved goldfish. As you may have already figured out, he has a very large tail for such a small fish. Besides giving me hope of getting married in Paris (don't ask), he serves many other purposes. Here's an essay about him (at least I think it's a him) that I wrote for school.

Bigtail is a goldfish unlike most goldfish. He is one of what was three goldfish won from a fair. He was given the name Goldie at the time. The other two fish died within the first year, but Goldie remained. He was then named Bigtail. Bigtail was given his new name because of his abnormally large tail.
Bigtail sits in his fishbowl on the counter above the sink. It sounds dangerous, and it is. Once his bowl was knocked over, sending him flying into the drain in the sink. After much panic, he was returned safely to his bowl. Not only is he in danger of perishing each day, but he sees 99.9% of what goes on in the house. Oh, if only fish could write books.
His purpose in life is to see how many times he can swim back and forth. Unlike the other two fish, he has not died of boredom.
He continues to surprise everyone in our household as we come into the kitchen to see him swimming back and forth, back and forth. His presence will be missed when he someday dies (heaven knows how) and is flushed down the toilet.

Yes, the sink story is true. That was scary. Anyway, maybe I'll get a picture of Bigtail on here someday.
Have a blessed weekend!!!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm so glad Grammy (mom's mom) got to come see Gabrielle after she was born. It was so good to have her here!!!

Here she is with some of her grandchildren.

Mother and daughter looking at pictures of Miss GG (Gabrielle).

And here's a picture of Gabrielle herself! This was taken I think about a month ago. She's really filled out since then!!!
Well, once I download pictures you'll have beach pictures and Colorado pictures! Something to look forward to, eh?


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hello all!!! Well, yes, I am finally posting again! Sorry, we've been superbusy. That's a new word I made up. No not really it's just me being lazy not putting a space between the two words:) Well, here's a post on what is called playtime. They are from several different days of playing. Hope you enjoy!

Part of a photo shoot I did with Josh. I got a total of about five pictures:)LOL



Sweet brothers

Our "train". Yes, it resembles a train if you look at it in a certain way. Since we thought it looked like a train we piled in it and pretended to go to France, Antarctica, Jamaica and lots of other fun places. We accumulated stuffed animals as passengers along the way.

A view of the driver's area. We have really wild imaginations, my brothers and I. Note: Presley was not a part of this extremely childish game.

Okay, he's done playing.

Yes, Josh got tired of Noah stealing is toys and me saying "Say cheese!!!" every five seconds. Speaking of Joshua, I just got done kissing his boo-boo and now I need to change his diaper. Oh, the joys of being a big sister.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Okay y'all, I totally still have not downloaded the awesome pics from my new camera. I need to do it, I know. So, my childhood playmate and favorite older brother turned fifteen this week!!! I had to laugh as I typed the word childhood seeing as I am only thirteen! And, for those of you who don't know, he is my only older brother; I am not one to play favorites. But yes, playing make-believe and such is wearing off, or would be completely worn off if we didn't love Garrett (who is seven) so much as to play spies or whatever with him. That reminds me of Toy Story 3 where Andy, who is a college student, is talking about how brave his little toy was. It was by far the most realistic movie I've seen:)LOL
So do you like my new background and little extras that you can't read because part of it is cut off?:D I do!!! It's pretty if you just pretend it looks perfect and move on (sort of like my hair). Speaking of my hair, it needs to be cut. Reason #1: I get so hot when I'm outside. Reason #2: the ends are dead. Reason #3: it's hard to brush.
Anyway, we watched the movie Letters to God as a family a few nights ago and Mom and I cried half the movie. No, not just occasionally wiping tears, but like sobbing continuously for the last thirty minutes of the movie. But it's really good, really!
Well, must go, lots to do when you're a Princess like me:)


Saturday, August 28, 2010

A random post

Hello all!!! Have I mentioned how much I love Saturdays? We made it through the first week without having help here and though it was stressful, we survived. Somehow it's possible to survive if you sleep in by the end of the week!!! for your update on Peaches (Gabrielle), she has gained a pound and a half and has grown half an inch! Yes, she is starting to get a little bit chubbier:) That's a good thing Bri:) (another nickname for Gabrielle). So, you are in fact wondering where in the world the name "Peaches" came from. Noah actually was the mastermind behind this great name:D He felt her head and decided it was like a peach(fuzzy and round I guess). we like to call her Peaches every once in a while. Oh, and she smiled the other day!!! At Mom! No one else saw it so as to whether it was a real smile, well we don't know. God knows, though. As He does about every little detail. He is so amazing!

So I have found my new two favorite songs. The first is "What do I know of holy" by Addison Road and the second is "The house you're building" by Audrey Assaud. I think that's how you spell her last name. Anyway, I've listened to them a countless number of times on my ipod. Well, maybe not countless, but you know what I mean. Especially those of you who know how much I listen to a song when I like it. My poor friends are always forced to listen to my favorite songs:)

Well, school is going great! I am having so much fun! I say that on a day there is no school:) Kidding, I really am enjoying school.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Camera!!!

Hello everyone!!! Aren't Saturdays wonderful? After a week of school especially:)

So, as the title of this post states, I have a new camera!!! The latter one was broken. I would show you pictures from my new camera if I actually made the time to download them!

Gabrielle is doing great! She grows cuter each and every day! There are so many babies being born now! We just heard our dear friends' blessing arrived not too long ago!!!
Well, that all for now folks!LOL


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What a blessing!!!

Hello all!!! School went well today. We discovered we need a better map (after the frustration with my geography today):)

I was delighted to see a brand new follower of my blog! I'm always happy to know people are reading my blog!!! Even though it was off to a rocky start!!!

I'd just like to say what a blessing Gran and Papa have been being here! I don't know what we would do without them! They have been such a big help with the laundry, cooking, cleaning, little boys, etc. Thank y'all so much!!! Also, to all the wonderful people who have brought meals!!! Thank you so much!!!

Presley just came in telling me how spectacular his first essay will be. Well at least he's confident in his first essay:D I, for one, am not excited to write about "My Many Virtues". But I'm reminded that "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13)

Well, lots of fun stuff awaits me to do around this wonderful house. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful amazing family with fun, loving brothers and God-fearing, loving parents! Oh, and the best sister on the face of the earth!!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

School is back

Hello all!!! Well, the school year has started up again. It's going pretty well I guess. I'm enjoying it. We're getting back into all of our outside of the home activities also. But it seems like getting back into the school year makes me more frustrated than anything (my gosh, besides hitting the wrong keys, good grief!!!) I thought I'd give you one of my favorite verses for dealing with frustration.

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
-Hebrews 12:1-2

I like to read that verse when I'm frustrated because it reminds me to keep going and look unto Jesus. Somehow when I read that I can get through the day much easier:) Especially school. Thinking of the end result:D

Well, the boys are waiting very patiently for me to come play with them. I feel so loved:)


Saturday, August 7, 2010

They're home!!!

Sweet girl. Can you believe she's already here? Seems like yesterday mom and Dad told us mom was going to have a baby!!! I prayed for so long for a sister, and now she's here!!! She's the best sister I could ever ask for!!!

Joshua, isn't this great? She's home! What did you say? He's trying to tell me something...

Oh, I see! Thanks for telling me. Pizza!!! A good way to celebrate, no?

Beautiful flowers. Gran was so sweet to get these on her trip to the store!!!

Welcome home baby girl!!!

Thank you all for waiting so patiently for me to get pictures on here!!! I think it's the fastest I've ever gotten pictures on from an event!!! Well, bye for now. I assure you, there will be more pictures. A lot more.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sweet Baby Girl

My personal favorite picture taken of the little sweetie. And yes, it is taken by me, but that's not the only reason it is my favorite!!! I love her facial expression in the picture.

On the way to the hospital...

Beautiful Mommy.

Her car seat. She is now in a pink car seat:)

Me holding Gabrielle. She is just so tiny!!!

Our wonderful grandparents wait very patiently to hold little Gabrielle.

Presley holding her.

She's home!!! Here Daddy, stop and stand right there holding the two ton car seat so I can take a picture!!!:)

Welcome home Gabrielle. Welcome to the family. We love you and we know God has big, wonderful plans for your life.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

She's here!!!

Hello all!!! She is here!!! Yes, Gabrielle Georgeann Davis is here!!! And yes, she's a girl:) She weighed 7lb 5oz. Smallest yet! She's 21 inches long and she has dark hair and blue eyes. Soooo...beautiful!!! I love to hold her and talk to her! She came at 5:04pm. Mom's doing great and so is Gabrielle! Keep Mom and Gabrielle in your prayers. Thanks for all your prayers already!!! Oh, I don't have pictures on here yet, but believe me when I say I will. Because pictures of my sweet little sister will be on here!!!


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Another update

Hey everybody, not that I'm bored, because I'm really excited, but things are going kind of slow here. Mom's sitting there so patiently in the hospital bed doing her smocking. To see your mother have a baby really makes you appreciate her even more than you already do! The movie "Father of The Bride" is entertaining us now:) So, still waiting for Miss Davis. She'll come eventually. The most important thing is that she arrives healthy and safely. I've been browsing blogs to entertain myself:D I'll make sure to tell you ASAP when she arrives!!!

Update! Update!

Hello all!!! As I write this I am sitting on a couch in the hospital room we're in. Yes, Miss Davis will soon arrive!!! Last night was fun. Kind of unexciting as far as when the baby's coming and such. But it was fun hanging out. She's being a bit stubborn, not wanting to come out to all these boys, I presume:) So, I got some sleep last night. Finding something halfway decent on t.v. always helps:) I am extremely excited and impatient:D

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 2010

Hello everyone!!! Can you believe it? The baby is almost here!!! The long wait is coming to an end! I hope all your Summer's have been as abundantly blessed as mine! Praise the Lord for all he's done for us. Here are some recent pictures.LOL

Joshua is now two! He's so sweet. He is such a blessing to the Davis family. We love you Joshua!!!

Half of our family recently attended a good friend's wedding. Aren't they cute? we're so happy for y'all Noah and Dorothy!!!

I got a few things to hang on my fabulous green walls for my birthday. Thought I'd show you some:)

My mini mirrors, I found them from PB Teen.

I got these from PB Teen also. And yes, that is my name:D

My Paris Monuments picture. Presley gave that to me. Isn't it beautiful?

And behold, my lightless chandelier!

So, there is your update from the Davis fam. Pray the baby enters this world healthy and safely!


Monday, July 12, 2010


Hello everyone!!! Okay Abbi, just saw your comment. I definitely thought of you when I awarded people, but I thought I saw Carrington had already awarded you so, sorry. You are now officially awarded by Alex Davis! It's huge, I know:) Bye y'all!!!



Hello readers!!! Yes, I'm still alive. Sorry it's been so long since I last posted! Here are some late pictures. They are of our garden. It's (obviously) when we first started it. I didn't know the pictures were on the computer until recently. Little Miss Davis will be coming soon!!! Only a few more weeks!!! Praise the Lord everything is going well and she is as healthy as can be. Pray for Mommy. She's been feeling worn out recently. She does so much!!!

Hope you enjoyed! I will, Lord willing, get pictures of Baby Davis when she comes. It might take a few weeks :) Well, I hope all of you have a great week!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Random pics

Hey y'all. Just thought I'd entertain you with a few pictures. I know, none of them are that recent. I think they're from last year: Well, hopefully I'll get more pictures on here. I'm just busy helping prepare for little miss Davis!!!

Sleepy boy

Here's me and Mama! We both look pretty good in this picture. I think I'll scrapbook it :)

Awww...isn't that cute. Noah wants to be just like Presley. You're such a good big brother Pres!!!

This here is my two littlest brothers (Noah and Joshua). What sweeties! Aren't they adorable?


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I have another person to award...

Hello all!!!
I forgot you had a blog, Mia. So I'll award you too. Anybody else I might have possibly left out please comment!!!

I got a new gadget that you ca see to the side! It's mp3 clips! Those are most of my favorite songs!!! Like "Beautiful, Beautiful" by Francesca Batistelli is my new fav. song. I change favorite songs about every week!!! If you're a close friend of mine you've probably heard those songs on my ipod!

So, Mom and I are in the midst of a smocking class. It can get frustrating, but it is so worth it! I love it!!! I'm doing the prettiest design. I'll probably put it in my hopechest!!!

Another thing, our family is busy preparing for miss Davis to arrive!!! Yes, the nursery will be so cute! Brown and pink are the colors! I know, adorable. Mom's re-covering the cushions for the glider and Dad is spray- painting the actual glider. Oh it's so exciting!!! We have the cutest bedding!!!

By the way Carri, you just press the bold or italic buttons to make the letters that way. It'll show up weird when you type it, but it will look good on the blog. Hope that helps!!!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Awarded? Me? Really?

Okay y'all, I was awarded by miss Carrington on her wonderful blog! so, I am supposed to give you a quiz then award some people. If you are awarded, you must follow the steps at the bottom of the post. Got it?

Apples, oranges, or bananas? Hmmm...bananas!

How many siblings do you have? almost five!

How old are you? thirteen.

Do you live in a swamp, woodland, prairie, or city? City.

Scissors or glue? Wow. I don't know. Probably scissors since I sew alot.

What is your dream house like? Oh, huge garden in the front, or back. Um, oh, it would take all day.

Is your room clean? Yes. Pretty much.

If you could be a movie character for a day who would you be?, that's hard. Uh, Anne Shirley?

Would you rather go to Italy, Greece, France, Spain, or England? France!!!

What denomination are you? Baptist.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Be honest! No. No I don't.

Favorite book? Life of Faith books.

Favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate! With chocolate syrup!

If you had to eat one food for a whole Not me. Alright fine. Um...mashed potatoes. I never get sick of those.

Favorite Olympic sport? Same as Carrington. Gymnastics in the Summer and figure skating in the Winter.

If you woke up one morning and found out you were Miley Cyrus what would you do? Cry.

Describe yourself with 3 words. Nice. Funny? Smart.

What chore do you hate? I don't know.

If Elmo came into your room with a gun-whoa!!! Elmo?!? Gun?!? Which Elmo?

So, there's the quiz. Have fun. I award Adeline, and...who else has a blog???

Here's the directions:
1. Mention the award on your blog.
2. Award 10 bloggers.
3. Let them know you awarded them.
4. Answer the questions on your blog.

Okay y'all, so if you have a blog and your my friend, comment and I'll edit the post and put your name on it. Alright, bye!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pool Pictures!!!

Hello to all my dear readers! I'm requesting a drum roll because the next announcement is huge! I have recent pictures!!!! Yes, they are from a fun outing to the pool with some friends. I love Summer! The pool is one of my favorite parts!!!

Here's our sweet Noah with a friend! I do believe they are playing water fight in this picture.

I love the different facial expressions in this picture!!! We re playing ninja in this photo (as you can very well see). It was a fun game! Congrats Abbi for winning one time!

Here we are, all lined up for sharks and minoes I believe.

I shall end with a pic. of two particularly wild girls jumping in the pool!LOL

I hope I can continue to provide recent pictures. I know you're still waiting for
pics from Daddy's birthday. I, along with you, am hoping they will come! Well, I'll post again soon!!!


Friday, June 4, 2010


Hi y'all!!! I am so glad to see two of my very best friends are following my blog! Thanks for the comment, Abbi. Yes, he is drinking coca-cola.

Daddy just had his birthday this past week. We decorated the car and everything. I would say how old he is turning, but if I wanted to continue having a blog, it would be best not to do that. I hope to get pictures on here soon! Oh! And some pool pictures too! Happy birthday Dad!!! We love you!

Again, I want to thank Carrington and Abbi for following my blog. I know it's off to a rough start, but it will get better Lord willing. I'm hoping to get some more recent pictures on here. Abbi, in your picture you look alot like a cat.LOL:)

Well, I just wanted to let y'all know what's going on. And yes, Baby Girl Davis is still nameless. Bye y'all!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A wonderful trip!

Hello everyone!!! I've missed blogging! I just returned from a week at our dear friends' house!!! They were so sweet to let me spend time with them! I enjoyed it so much. I didn't really get any pictures. Sorry. I love being at their house and I already miss them! Oh,by the way, congratulations Dorothy!!!

I keep getting asked the same question. "Have y'all picked out a name?" Yes referring to sweet baby Davis who is currently without a full name. Don't worry, she'll have a name when she's born, I hope.LOL;) Every thing's going well with little miss baby Davis. Perfectly healthy and cute!!!! Praise the Lord.

I really am hoping to get some recent pictures for you. Sorry I've been so unfaithful in doing so! Well, I'll (Lord willing) blog gain soon!!! Bye y'all!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Christmas 09' - very late

Hello all!!! Sorry it has been so log since I last posted. I thought I'd share some pics from last Christmas. I know, it's May, but oh well. Here they are!

Me and Pres by the Christmas tree.

Boxes full of Christmas decor.

This is Pres, Garbo, and me with candy canes. Christmas is so fun!!!

I shall end with a picture of Daddy drinking the ultimate Christmas bevrage.

Bye ya'll!!!