Thursday, May 12, 2011

Summer Blogging

Hello all!!! Can you believe summer is almost here! School will be over in only a few days (well, for me it might be more like weeks)! I so look forward to summer because it is so non-stressful and you don't have to worry about as much. One thing I am trying to do this summer is really be a good steward of my time. Am I spending my time all on movies and games and fun stuff that benefits me? Or could I be reading my Bible, finishing that sewing project that is impossible to finish during the school year and even some charity and volunteering stuff! Which brings me to my point-and I really think God is trying to bring this to my attention because it keeps coming up:D
First of all, I was at a conference where Todd Wilson (awesome, amazing guy) spoke about "Taming the Techno-beast". Mhm, my first reaction: "My iPod will be burnt at the altar now!!!" Turns out, Todd Wilson is nicer than that:) Yeah, he has teenagers too:) But he did talk about the time we spend on the computer on the internet or e-mail. Could this even be...yes I'm going to say it...bloggging? Now stop screaming (or maybe that's just me:). You're thinking, "But blogging encourages other people and is a great way of communication!" I totally agree. But if it takes away time from, let's say, you quiet time (ooh, big one) or time with your it really worth it?
Second, I'm going to use a Bible verse for this one just to make you really guilty:)

"Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit' whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that'".(James 4:13-15)

Slam. Yep, guilty as charged. How many times have I told you I'm going to blog and haven't? Haha, alot. I refuse to promise you anything concerning blogging anymore (and if I do you have permission to comment and tell me:). Instead, if the Lord wills, I will come and post from time to time this summer and hopefully you'll be encouraged by it:D
Now for the confession...I totally stole that last idea from another blog. All thoughts of me being so mature in my faith may now vanish from your head. Go to It is an amazing blog!!! She is such an amazing Christian woman and I am reading her book about Contentment. Really good!!! But when I saw that Bible verse there I said, "I'm blogging about this right now!" Yes, I'm not as smart as you thought:(
Well, now I must go. For those of you that were at the conference, "Kill the Beast!!!":D



  1. Yeah, 'Kill the Beast!' Hey, guess what?


  2. That's not fair, Abbi. You have to tell me what it is in the same comment. Please tell me:D


  3. I posted something on my blog so you should look at it, but that isn't what I wanted to tell you! What I wanted to tell you is classified! I will probably tell you on Sunday. Only PROBABLY though.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
