Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snow Pictures!!!! (Better late than never!)

I do believe this is mom plunging down the hill.

See how ginormous this hill was? It's awesome, though. I can't believe we never knew about it before!!!

Now that's a lot of snow.

Oh my gosh! They're all dead!!! Okay, so Noah ruined the picture by popping his head up, whatever.

If you're wondering who took this awesome picture, it was mwa:D

More to come dearies!!! This is only Part I!!!!



  1. Hi Alex!

    I just wanted to say that, if you hadn't told us that Noah had popped his head up, I wouldn't have realized!!! :D :D :D :D


    P.S. (I also changed my picture on my blog, and I don't know why it isn't changing!)

  2. Oh, you can see my new picture! See it? Yay! :D

  3. LOL abbi:D I've seen your new picture for the past month:) And yeah, I could have left the part out about Noah sticking up his head.
    That second picture is me and Kara going down the hill together. We were screaming and one time we fell off at the end and Kara and I were laughing our heads off (and groaning:)!! Maybe I'll post that picture next:D

  4. Neat pictures! Looks like lots of fun:)
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.


  5. So, when are you going to put part II on, Alex? Just kidding, no rush, you can just ignore the fact that its been a month and 11 days since you posted part I! :D

  6. Some people don't have as much time, Abbi!:D I'm too busy e-mailing you:)JK

    I finally did post Part II, though. Anybody up for a part III?:)

