Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bigtail the goldfish

Hello everyone!!! Isn't the weather gorgeous!!!! I love Fall!

So, about the title of the post, Bigtail is our beloved goldfish. As you may have already figured out, he has a very large tail for such a small fish. Besides giving me hope of getting married in Paris (don't ask), he serves many other purposes. Here's an essay about him (at least I think it's a him) that I wrote for school.

Bigtail is a goldfish unlike most goldfish. He is one of what was three goldfish won from a fair. He was given the name Goldie at the time. The other two fish died within the first year, but Goldie remained. He was then named Bigtail. Bigtail was given his new name because of his abnormally large tail.
Bigtail sits in his fishbowl on the counter above the sink. It sounds dangerous, and it is. Once his bowl was knocked over, sending him flying into the drain in the sink. After much panic, he was returned safely to his bowl. Not only is he in danger of perishing each day, but he sees 99.9% of what goes on in the house. Oh, if only fish could write books.
His purpose in life is to see how many times he can swim back and forth. Unlike the other two fish, he has not died of boredom.
He continues to surprise everyone in our household as we come into the kitchen to see him swimming back and forth, back and forth. His presence will be missed when he someday dies (heaven knows how) and is flushed down the toilet.

Yes, the sink story is true. That was scary. Anyway, maybe I'll get a picture of Bigtail on here someday.
Have a blessed weekend!!!
